【Go For vs Go With】平平是選擇,心情不一樣的啦!

Go For跟Go With的差異
之前有同學問道:「做選擇時,Go forGo with有什麼不同,該如何使用呢?」

A: What would you like to drink?
B: I think I will go for the bubble green tea.

A: I can’t believe that we just missed that movie.
B: I guess we can still go with the other one.

雖然文法上,兩者都對,意思上似乎也差不多,但Go for相較之下,多了點熱情及自主的味道,而Go with較類似於權衡之下的選擇或者是讓步後的結果。換句話說,「I will go for the bubble green tea.」可解讀為,我本身就蠻喜歡泡沫綠茶,所以我選擇它。而,「We can still go with the other one.」是因為錯過原本想看的電影,故只好退而求其次,看另一部了。
